Sports Celebrations
Watching the Super Bowl and other professional sports games always amazed me how we pick our favorite teams when we’re too young to fully...
Ice Skating
‘Tis the season for frozen country ponds to ice skate on! Putting your skate on with 50 eyelets your laces have to loop through to...
Kids on College Break
Is anybody else who had a teenager come home for Christmas/winter break concerned about how much they’re able to eat or sleep? Did they...
No Cell Service
Don’t you hate when you have a service call where you need work done at your house, and the company spokesperson tells you someone will...
Old Commercials
What ever became of the kid in the 70’s commercial who sang that he wished he was an Oscar Meyer Weiner? Is that seriously what he truly...
Manger Play
My daughter Lauren was in the church Christmas play when she was in 2nd grade, and believe it or not, a live bat was swooping down at the...
Saint Joseph
Before we put Christmas back up in the attic I got thinking about how much different Saint Joseph’s life was compared to ours, and he’s...
New Year's Resolution
Well it’s New Year’s Resolution time of year, did you make any lofty plans? I swear I didn’t even find the time to make a plan for a...
On the First Day of Christmas
On the First Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree. Well that was awful nice, cool bird and I love pears!...
Snake in the House
So one day, my son accidentally brought a snake into the house. True story. He had a sleepover outside at a friend’s house, and threw his...